ERB Glo-Mega® Omega II® Safety Helmet

ERB Glo-Mega® Omega II® Safety Helmet

6 minute read

ERB Glo-Mega® Omega II® Safety Helmet

ERB Glo-Mega® Omega II® Safety Helmet is a unique take on hard hats. Designed to keep workers safe in any environment, ERB safety helmets come with a glow-in-the-dark feature that makes it easy to spot personnel in dimly lit areas or unsafe environments. ERB helmets are made with a special high density plastic that is resistant to scratching and offer increased impact protection. The visor can be adjusted and the chin strap ensures the helmet stays put regardless of activity. ERB Safety Helmets provide an added layer of protection and help ensure the safety of those who wear them.

Glow-in-the-Dark head protection great for the mining industry,
ship yards, underground utilities, and night highway construction.

Q: What causes the Glo-Mega to glow?
A: The glow is caused by photoluminescence, commonly referred to as glow-in-the-dark. The materials used in the Glo-Mega are nothing at all like the glow-in-the-dark materials of several years ago. They charge quickly and glow much brighter and much longer than the glow-in-the-dark items you may remember having as a child.
Q: How long does it take to charge the Glo-Mega?
A: Charging for 10 to 20 minutes in sunlight would be excellent to produce a strong long lasting glow. A half hour in bright fluorescent light would be very good. Even 20 minutes near a 40 watt incandescent bulb will generate a significant glow.
Q: How brightly does the Glo-Mega glow?
A: In intermediate levels of lighting, the Glo-Mega takes on a greenish color as the glow competes with the light from its surroundings. In dark conditions, the Glo-Mega’s glow has been measured at 1220 mcd/m2 immediately after charging and, after ten minutes was still 45 times as bright as required by ASTM 2073 for emergency signage.
Q: How long can the glow be seen?
A: To eyes accustomed to the dark, the glow can be seen for several days or even weeks after a suitable charge.
Q: How does the after-glow of the Glo-Mega fade?
A: The fading begins as soon as the source of charging is removed - faster at first, then slowing over a long period of time. For a number of hours, this fading is partially offset by a dramatic increase in the sensitivity of the eye to see light.
Q: What is the useful life of the product?
A: The Glo-Mega has the normal life span of a molded polyethylene safety helmet. The photo luminescent properties however, should last almost indefinitely.

Benefits of Safety Helmets

Safety helmets, or hard hats in certain industries, are important protective gear that significantly reduce the risk of head injuries. These helmets are a vital component of personal protective equipment (PPE) across various sectors such as construction, cycling, motorcycling, and many industrial operations. The benefits of wearing safety helmets are numerous and extend beyond mere compliance with safety regulations. Here are the key benefits of purchasing these helmets:

1. Protection Against Head Injuries

The primary benefit of safety helmets is the protection they provide against head injuries. Helmets are designed to absorb and dissipate the energy from impacts, reducing the force transmitted to the skull and brain. This can prevent traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), skull fractures, and other serious head injuries that can occur from falls, flying debris, or collisions.

2. Compliance with Safety Standards

Many industries mandate the use of safety helmets to comply with occupational health and safety regulations. These standards are put in place to ensure a baseline level of protection for workers, and compliance helps in avoiding legal repercussions and potential fines. Adhering to these regulations demonstrates a company's commitment to safety and can enhance its reputation.

3. Improved Visibility and Identification

Safety helmets often come in bright colors and can include reflective materials, making workers more visible on site. This is particularly important in construction zones or during night shifts where visibility is compromised. Helmets can also be customized with company logos or specific colors to distinguish between different roles or departments, facilitating better communication and coordination.

4. Protection from Environmental Hazards

In addition to impact protection, safety helmets can shield workers from various environmental hazards. They offer protection against the sun, rain, and falling objects. Some helmets are equipped with additional features like face shields, ear protection, and ventilation systems to enhance comfort and protection in harsh working conditions.

5. Psychological Benefits

Wearing a safety helmet can provide psychological benefits, fostering a sense of security among workers. Knowing that they have a layer of protection can reduce anxiety and improve focus, leading to higher productivity and morale. This sense of safety can encourage more confident and efficient work practices.

6. Reduction in Workplace Accidents

The widespread use of safety helmets contributes to a decrease in workplace accidents. By minimizing the risk and severity of head injuries, helmets play a crucial role in maintaining a safer working environment. Fewer accidents translate to fewer disruptions, lower medical costs, and less downtime, which can have significant financial benefits for companies.

7. Cost-Effectiveness

Investing in safety helmets is cost-effective in the long run. The costs associated with head injuries, including medical expenses, compensation, and lost productivity, can be substantial. By preventing such injuries, helmets help in saving these costs and ensure a healthier workforce.

8. Promotion of a Safety Culture

The use of safety helmets is a visible commitment to safety and can help promote a culture of safety within an organization. When workers see their employers prioritizing their health and safety, it encourages them to follow other safety protocols and procedures. This collective approach to safety can lead to an overall safer working environment.

The benefits of safety helmets extend far beyond basic head protection. They enhance compliance with safety regulations, improve visibility, protect against environmental hazards, and provide psychological comfort. Additionally, they contribute to the reduction of workplace accidents, are cost-effective, and help promote a culture of safety. By investing in high-quality safety helmets, employers can safeguard their workers and ensure a more productive and secure working environment.

If you have any ordering questions about the ERB Glo-Mega® Omega II® Safety Helment - Glow In the Dark Hard Hat feel free to contact Direct Textile Store

BUY NOW: ERB Glo-Mega® Omega II® Safety Helment - Hard Hat

Kelsi Kleven


Merchandising Specialist

If you need assistance, contact Direct Textile Store Customer Service at 800-615-5822

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